The following assignment was a two-day LRC assignment using the computer to discover answers. The questions #1-14 are due TOMORROW!
Today and tomorrow you will be learning a great deal of background information before we explore the actual novel, The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.You can answer the following questions on a sheet or paper or chose to open a Word Document. Do not copy the question. Instead, number the question as shown below and embed the question within your complete sentence answer. For example: If the question was, "Where does Mrs. Ehle live?" You might answer, "Mrs. Ehle lives in Southfield, MI."
The Holocaust
1. After viewing and reading the information at this link, , what do you expect from a story set in this historical background? Explain your answer by including some information you learned as you read.
The Holocaust Museum Memorial Site
You will need to explore the various links at this site to answer the questions below. By reading the question and then the name to each link, you should be able to make a very educated guess as to where to find the answer. Don't be afraid to nudge a friend next to you to make sure you are on the right track.
2. How were schools used to spread Nazi ideas and antisemitisim?
3. Explain Hitler’s attitude towards the “handicapped.”
4. Why do you think that many people didn’t notice the harassment of German Jews before the war?
5. What were the Nuremberg Laws?
6. What is meant by “ARBEIT MACHT FREI,”and where might one have seen it?
7. What was the difference between the “concentration camps” and the “extermination camps?
8. What was the Sonderkommando?
9. After you have completed your exploration of this site, what is your reaction to something that you learned from the experience?
The Museum of Tolerance--36 Questions About the Holocaust
10. After reading through the 36 questions/answers, choose 2 questions you were most surprised about and why.
An Article by Jane Yolen about The Devil's Arithmetic
11. In the first paragraph, Jane gives you a good understanding of the story's premise. What is the premise in your own words?
12. A student email's Jane. Describe what the email is about.
Jane's Biography
13. After reading Jane's biography and looking through her photographs, list 5 things you learned about her. Be as descriptive as possible.
Thinking Back to Last Year:
14. What do you remember about the Seder meal that Mr. Strausz performed last year at the Grade School?
When you are finished with the Webquest:
- Show Mrs. Ehle you are finished.
- Go to this website and chose a 7th or 8th grade game to play!