Today I collected questions from chapters 8 & 9 and the summaries from Ch. 10 & 11.
Then I gave you time to complete the next assignment:
Reading chapters 12 & 13 and writing a short quiz!
Here are the quiz requirements. You must have:
- A Matching section: at least 5 questions
- A Fill in the Blank section: at least 5 questions
- 1 short answer question: that would take at least 3-5 sentences to answer.
- a spot that says CREATED BY (with your name after it so I can give you credit!)
On a separate sheet you MUST create and answer key.
Some of the questions MUST be about chapters 12 & 13 specifically so I know you completed the reading. The remaining questions can be about anything from chapters 1-13.
On Monday you will swap your quiz with someone else and they will take it!
Illegible quizzes will receive NO CREDIT! If you think your handwriting may be tricky to read, PLEASE TYPE IT!
You may also go above and beyond! Examples: make a word bank for the fill in the blank questions, give an extra credit question, decorate the test, bring in a small treat if your student does well on the test! Or think of your own special way to do more!
You will receive a homework grade for completing the test for your student and you will receive a participation grade for taking someone else's test.