Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Day 1: Exposition---Hannah Doesn't Want to Go!

Today with our 25 minutes, we read aloud the 1st chapter in DA (Devil's Arithmetic).  I then handed out questions for chapters 1 and 2 (see below).  These are to be completed in FULL/COMPLETE SENTENCE ANSWERS on a sheet of loose leaf.


Directions: I will collect these questions.  
Please write COMPLETE SENTENCE answers by embedding the question in the answer.


1.  At the beginning of the story, where is Hannah going?
2.  Why does she dislike going there?
3.  How do Aunt Rose and Aunt Eva treat Hannah?


1.  Why does Grandpa Will get upset at the TV?
2.  What does the five-digit number on Grandpa Will’s arm signify?  What did Hannah do when she was younger after seeing the numbers on Grandpa’s arm?
3.  Why is Hannah intrigued about Aunt Eva?