Monday, October 31, 2011

Discussing the end of Devil's Arithmetic

Today I handed back the questions you turned in on Friday and we discussed the end of the book.

Next you worked in groups compiling questions for the test.  You have a voice in this test.  Make sure your group questions are not too easy! :-)

I will collect your tests tomorrow.

Remember to wear your Mass uniform tomorrow!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The book's finished so let's take a break!

Today I collected questions from Chapters 16 to the Epilogue.

Afterward we watched the movie "Coraline."

Hope you had a great time at your first Academy Activity! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Last of Devil's Arithmetic: Chapters 18 & 19 and the Epilogue

Today we discussed Chapters 16 & 17.

Next we you began on your homework:
Chapters 18-19 and the Epilogue (the questions are below).  I will collect Chapters 15-Epilogue tomorrow.
Chapter 18

  • Commandant Breuer has gathered 5 men.  Why?  Whom does Chaya recognize?
  • What “extras” does Breuer say his “pets” receive that other transports to not receive?
  • What does Fayge shout to Shmuel?
  • Summarize what Hannah tell the other girls about the future?  Include the message Hannah wants them to remember.
  • The 4 girls are divided.  3 of them go one way and the last one goes away by herself.  Where do the 3 go?  Who leads them and what does she start to tell them?  Who goes away on her own?
Chapter 19
  • Hannah opens her eyes and sees...?
  • Hannah sits next to Aunt Eva at the table.  What does Hannah stare at?  Summarize the conversation between Hannah and Aunt Eva.  What is Hannah’s last line?
  • The epilogue is created to give us, the readers, an answer to some of the questions we are left with in the story.
    • What did Chaya do for Rivka?
    • What happened to Gitl and Yitzchak?  What important positions did Gitl and Yitzchak take on after being in the camps?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Chapters 16-17

Here are the questions we worked on today after discussing and collecting Chapters 13-15.

Chapter 16
  • What essentially is the Devil’s Arithmetic?
  • Explain why the blokova lose 3 fingers?
  • Summarize the conversation Rivka has with Chaya about whose fault it is that people are dying in the camps.
  • “There will be times when he will surround you with walls of darkness. But..." Finish this very inspiring quote.
Chapter 17
  • What information does Gitl confide in Chaya with?
  • What important character does not get involved in the plan?  What is her reason?
  • Summarize what happens with the plan.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic: Chapter 15

Today we had a shortened hour due to Mass.  We had time to correct your answers from Chapters 13 & 14.  Next I gave you Chapter 15 questions to complete for tomorrow.

I WILL BE COLLECTING THESE QUESTIONS, 13-15 TOMORROW!  Make sure you complete all of them!

Devil’s Arithmetic
Chapter 15
  • What does Rivka do to help when the Commandant comes?  Whom is she helping?
  • What does Chaya do to help?
  • What did their meals consist of?
  • List at least 5 jobs the prisoners in the camp had?  Where was Chaya sent to work?
  • What does the phrase “a nemer iz nishtkeyn geber” mean?
  • Why were the people chosen at the end of Chapter 15?
  • Why must the girls not use the word death or killed, but instead say chosen or processed?
  • INFER: Why is becoming harder for Hannah to remember her modern life in New York?
  • What happened to Rabbi Boruch, Fayge’s father?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Chapters 13 & 14

Today you took a friend's quiz.  I hope you enjoyed it!

Afterward you picked up the following questions for chapters 13 & 14 which are due tomorrow!

Devil’s Arithmetic
Chapter 13 & 14

  • What does the German word “schnell” mean?
  • Why does Gitl slap Chaya for for touching little Tzipporah?
  • Chaya meets an important new girl in the camp.  What is her name?  Explain (do NOT list) some important things she does for Chaya and others throughout chapters 13 & 14.
  • What rules do the girls have to follow in order to stay alive?
  • What does it mean when Rivka says she “organizes”?
  • Who is Commandant Breuer and what is he in charge of doing?
  • What is Chaya’s number and what does she say it stands for?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Chapters 12 & 13

Today I collected questions from chapters 8 & 9 and the summaries from Ch. 10 & 11.

Then I gave you time to complete the next assignment:
Reading chapters 12 & 13 and writing a short quiz!
Here are the quiz requirements.  You must have:

  • A Matching section: at least 5 questions
  • A Fill in the Blank section: at least 5 questions
  • 1 short answer question: that would take at least 3-5 sentences to answer.
  • a spot that says CREATED BY (with your name after it so I can give you credit!)
On a separate sheet you MUST create and answer key.

Some of the questions MUST be about chapters 12 & 13 specifically so I know you completed the reading.  The remaining questions can be about anything from chapters 1-13.

On Monday you will swap your quiz with someone else and they will take it!
Illegible quizzes will receive NO CREDIT!  If you think your handwriting may be tricky to read, PLEASE TYPE IT!

You may also go above and beyond!  Examples: make a word bank for the fill in the blank questions, give an extra credit question, decorate the test, bring in a small treat if your student does well on the test!  Or think of your own special way to do more!

You will receive a homework grade for completing the test for your student and you will receive a participation grade for taking someone else's test.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic QUEST taken & new chapters to read!

Today you took the Devil's Arithmetic Quest.

After you were finished, you handed in Chapters 6-7 questions.

Finally you picked up your homework:
Chapter 8 & 9 questions/reading

Devil’s Arithmetic
Chapter 8

  • According to Fayge, what can Chaya expect a lot of at the wedding?
  • What does Chaya tell Fayge that sets her at ease?
  • What village is Fayge from?
  • By researching AND using the context of the book, what is a shul?
  • Infer from the reading:
    • Army trucks are in front of the shul; the badchan says, “I see the Angel of Death,” what do you think is happening?  Who are these people in the trucks?
  • What year is it on the Jewish calendar?  The Christian calendar?
  • Chaya tells everyone of the pending danger.  Summarize how does the Rabbi, Reb Boruch, respond?

Chapter 9
  • For what reason does the colonel tell the Rabbi and the rest of the Jewish people before the shul they must go with them in the trucks?
  • The badchan truly understands what is going on and mutters a few key, figurative phrases about the evil that is going on.  Jot down three of them.
  • Why does the Rabbi comply with the orders?

Devil's Arithmetic QUEST taken & new chapters to read!

Today you took the Devil's Arithmetic Quest.

After you were finished, you handed in Chapters 6-7 questions.

Finally you picked up your homework:
Chapter 8 & 9 questions/reading

Devil’s Arithmetic
Chapter 8
  • According to Fayge, what can Chaya expect a lot of at the wedding?
  • What does Chaya tell Fayge that sets her at ease?
  • What village is Fayge from?
  • By researching AND using the context of the book, what is a shul?
  • Infer from the reading:
    • Army trucks are in front of the shul; the badchan says, “I see the Angel of Death,” what do you think is happening?  Who are these people in the trucks?
  • What year is it on the Jewish calendar?  The Christian calendar?
  • Chaya tells everyone of the pending danger.  Summarize how does the Rabbi, Reb Boruch, respond?

Chapter 9
  • For what reason does the colonel tell the Rabbi and the rest of the Jewish people before the shul they must go with them in the trucks?
  • The badchan truly understands what is going on and mutters a few key, figurative phrases about the evil that is going on.  Jot down three of them.
  • Why does the Rabbi comply with the orders?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Quest

The words quiz and test mean the same to me :)  Tomorrow you have a quest!

Here are some items you may want to know!

  1. The characters we have met in the book.  There will be a matching part with a description for each name. Know your characters!
  2. There will be 5 yiddish terms on the test: shtetl, badchan, afikoman, Dayneu, shmatte.  There will be a matching section for this as well.
  3. 3 short answer questions.  They will need a topic sentence, details to support, and a concluding sentence.
    1. Hannah/Chaya are good at telling stories.  Discuss Hannah telling stories.  To whom does she tell one to?  Why does she tell it? How does her audience receive it?  Discuss Chaya telling stories.  To whom does she tell them to?  Why does she tell them? How does her audience receive it?
    2. There are many differences between Hannah’s life in New York and in Poland.  In a short paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion), give at least 3 major differences.
    3. The importance of remembering the past plays an important theme.  Choose one of the following questions to answer in a short paragraph.
      1. Is there a time in your life that you wish you could forget?  Describe the situation.  Why do you want to forget it? (painful, embarrassing, etc)  Although you want to forget it, why do you know it is a good thing to remember it?
      2. Why does Hannah not want to go to the Seder meal?  Why do you think she does not like remembering her past?  Why is it important for her to remember her

Monday, October 17, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Chapters 6/7

Today we began by correcting work for Chapters 4 and 5 in Devil's Arithmetic.  I also collected this work.

Then I gave you time to work on time to work on Chapters 6 and 7.

Devil’s Arithmetic 
Chapter 6
  1. Hannah is getting used to living with Gitl.  What is the worst this she has discovered?
  2. We know that Gitl and Shmuel live in Krakow, Poland.  What city was Chaya living in before coming to stay with them?  Research this city on Google and find at least 3 facts about it.
  3. Look up the Yiddish word, shmatte.  What does it mean?
  4. We finally find out Hannah and Chaya’s full names.  What are they?
  5. Describe the meeting between Chaya and the girls.  In your description tell why the girls were shocked.
Chapter 7
  1. List the stories Chaya tells the girls.
  2. Hannah, in her world, is not _____________________ and Chaya, in the dream world, is _________________________.
  3. What is the  klezmer?  (Google it if needed)
  4. According the Hannah, what does a badchan remind her of?  What does her name Chaya mean?
You will have a test on Chapters 1-7 on Wednesday.  Come prepared to answer questions.  All short essays must be answered COMPLETELY for full credit.

Finish Ch. 6 & 7 questions
Looking ahead: you will have a test on chapters 1-7 Wednesday.  This will be the last grade of the marking period, so study your chapter questions well!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Chapter 3 Answers/ Work on Chapters 4-5

Today we discussed the answers to chapter 3 in Devil's Arithmetic. I assigned you to read Chapters 4-5. For class/homework you have to read both chapters and complete chapter 4 questions (see below) and complete the crossword puzzle.

Have a great weekend!
And Go BLUE!!

The Devil’s Arithmetic
Chapters 3
  1. Hannah complains that nothing is fair.  How does Aunt Eva cleverly reply?
  2. What part of the of the evening is Hannah excited for? (Grandpa Will pleads a case for her).
  3. What is the afikoman? If you do not know from prior knowledge or context of the reading, please look this up.
  4. For the most part, how does Hannah treat her brother Aaron?  Give two descriptive examples of how she has done this.  The examples can come from chapters 1-3.
  5. Grandpa Will wisely said, “A sacrifice unasked is so much greater.”  Explain what this means to you.  
  6. Draw a picture of what Hannah saw as she opened the door for Elijah. Use the description author Jane Yolen gives you to help you.

Chapter 4
  1. What does the woman call Hannah in her “daydream”?  What is the significance of the name?
  2. Who is the man in the field? What event is coming up for him?
  3. What city/state does Hannah live in in “real life”?
  4. One word to characterize Gitl is determined.  Give an example of how Gitl is determined.
  5. What was the strangest thing about Hannah’s “dream”?
  6. In the “dream world,” what happened to Chaya’s family?  What does Hannah do at the end of the chapter that reminds her of her “real” mother?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic: Webquest answers, discussion on Ch. 1-2, and reading Chapter 3-4

Today we discussed the answers to the webquest.  Judging from your answers and the information you gathered, this was a powerful assignment helping you to understand more about the Nazis/Hitler and the devastation that occurred during the Holocaust.  I was pleased with  your complete answers and the time you took on this assignment!  KUDOS!

Next we discussed Chapter 2 questions/answers.

Finally I gave you time in class to read the next two chapters and answer questions.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Day 1: Exposition---Hannah Doesn't Want to Go!

Today with our 25 minutes, we read aloud the 1st chapter in DA (Devil's Arithmetic).  I then handed out questions for chapters 1 and 2 (see below).  These are to be completed in FULL/COMPLETE SENTENCE ANSWERS on a sheet of loose leaf.


Directions: I will collect these questions.  
Please write COMPLETE SENTENCE answers by embedding the question in the answer.


1.  At the beginning of the story, where is Hannah going?
2.  Why does she dislike going there?
3.  How do Aunt Rose and Aunt Eva treat Hannah?


1.  Why does Grandpa Will get upset at the TV?
2.  What does the five-digit number on Grandpa Will’s arm signify?  What did Hannah do when she was younger after seeing the numbers on Grandpa’s arm?
3.  Why is Hannah intrigued about Aunt Eva?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Devil's Arithmetic Webquest

The following assignment was a two-day LRC assignment using the computer to discover answers.  The questions #1-14 are due TOMORROW!
Today and tomorrow you will be learning a great deal of background information before we explore the actual novel, The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.

You can answer the following questions on a sheet or paper or chose to open a Word Document.  Do not copy the question.  Instead, number the question as shown below and embed the question within your complete sentence answer.  For example: If the question was, "Where does Mrs. Ehle live?"  You might answer, "Mrs. Ehle lives in Southfield, MI."

The Holocaust
1.  After viewing and reading the information at this link, , what do you expect from a story set in this historical background?  Explain your answer by including some information you learned as you read.

The Holocaust Museum Memorial Site
You will need to explore the various links at this site to answer the questions below.  By reading the question and then the name to each link, you should be able to make a very educated guess as to where to find the answer.  Don't be afraid to nudge a friend next to you to make sure you are on the right track.

2.  How were schools used to spread Nazi ideas and antisemitisim?

3.  Explain Hitler’s attitude towards the “handicapped.”

4.  Why do you think that many people didn’t notice the harassment of German Jews before the war?

5.  What were the Nuremberg Laws?

6.  What is meant by  “ARBEIT MACHT FREI,”and where might one have seen it?

7.  What was the difference between the “concentration camps” and the “extermination camps?

8.  What was the Sonderkommando?

9.  After you have completed your exploration of this site, what is your reaction to something that you learned from the experience? 

The Museum of Tolerance--36 Questions About the Holocaust

10.  After reading through the 36 questions/answers, choose 2 questions you were most surprised about and why.

An Article by Jane Yolen about The Devil's Arithmetic

11.  In the first paragraph, Jane gives you a good understanding of the story's premise.  What is the premise in your own words?

12.  A student email's Jane.  Describe what the email is about.

Jane's Biography

13.  After reading Jane's biography and looking through her photographs, list 5 things you learned about her.  Be as descriptive as possible.

Thinking Back to Last Year:
14.  What do you remember about the Seder meal that Mr. Strausz performed last year at the Grade School?

When you are finished with the Webquest: 

  1. Show Mrs. Ehle you are finished.
  2. Go to this website and chose a 7th or 8th grade game to play!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I miss you guys!

WOW!  What a week of testing!  I miss you!

Looking forward to next week!  Bring The Devil's Arithmetic with you on Monday!