Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Peer Editing Sessions (for Eulogy)

We discussed how peer editing sessions are run in our class.  We reviewed the MLA Heading and where the title goes and how it all should be formatted.  We discussed what to look for in a peer's paper.

Peer Editing Sessions

  1. Read your own paper silently
  2. On Mrs. Ehle's cue, swap papers with a buddy and silently edit.
  3. On Mrs. Ehle's cue, you had a quiet conversation with your editor about the changes/suggestions.
Tonight you will make all the changes to your papers.  Tomorrow I expect:
  1. Your completed FINAL COPY with your rubric.  (Should you need a rubric OR to look at a sample eulogy, please see both on Edline).
  2. Study your literature definitions.  We will have a test on Thursday.